Capture The Flag, is a type of cybersecurity competition or challenge designed to test and enhance participants' skills in various aspects of information security.

The term "Capture The Flag" is borrowed from the outdoor game and is used metaphorically here. In the cybersecurity context, the "flag" refers to a hidden piece of information that participants need to discover or extract.

The primary goal of a Security CTF is to solve a series of challenges, each of which is centered around a particular security-related task.

These challenges can cover a wide range of topics within cybersecurity, including but not limited to:

  1. Reverse Engineering: Participants might need to analyze and understand the inner workings of software, applications, or binaries to find vulnerabilities or extract hidden information.
  2. Web Security: Challenges related to web applications might involve identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.
  3. Cryptography: Participants might have to decrypt messages, analyze cryptographic protocols, or break encryption schemes.
  4. Forensics: Challenges may involve analyzing memory dumps, network traffic, or file systems to uncover hidden clues or information.
  5. Steganography: Participants might need to discover hidden messages within images, audio files, or other media.
  6. Binary Exploitation: Challenges could require participants to exploit vulnerabilities in binaries to gain control over systems or extract hidden flags.
  7. Networking: Participants might have to analyze and manipulate network traffic to uncover hidden information.
  8. Miscellaneous: There can be a variety of miscellaneous challenges that test unconventional skills or creative problem-solving.

In a CTF, each challenge typically has a hidden "flag" that participants must find and submit to prove they've successfully completed the challenge.